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green leaf, diagram depicting chain of CBD molecules

Why the Novel Foods Submission process is important to you?

Bottom line – it will ensure that, longer term, the CBD products sold in the UK market are of an agreed level of quality and compliance. Goodbody have been promoting the need for compliance within the industry for a number of years to ensure customers enjoy is a product that is THC, toxin and pesticide […]

blue green and yellow sativa leaf

Goodbody Botanicals, Voted in second place by Cannabis law report

We are happy to announce that Goodbody Botanicals have been voted second place by the Cannabis Law report in the “top eight CBD brands on the UK market.” You can see the full list on the Cannabis Law Report website here :  

I tried CBD oil drops and it changed her life

Case Study: “I was sleeping through the night”

Sacha Byrne, 30, from Swindon has suffered from chronic anxiety, insomnia and migraines for years. She had been taking Escitalopram for anxiety, but it does come with side effects and was only partially solving the problem and since starting to take CBD oil drops things have got a whole lot better. According to Sacha, “I […]

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Case Study: CBD balm made my hands feel softer

I am a working mum of 2 teenage boys and have been looking for a product to help with dry skin with the added benefits of CBD- a cream which feels a little bit luxurious and is a treat at the end of a long busy day. I was delighted to receive my CBD balm […]

Beach meditation

CBD And Restoring Wellness – A Guide

Wellness is a concept we often find ourselves coming back to in our ongoing efforts to help people get healthy in the most natural way possible. Wellness to us means a state of physical, mental good health, which helps open the opportunity for people to pursue good health in other ways, whether they be holistic, […]

Goodbody Botanicals how covid 19 crisis has affected our business

How The COVID-19 Crisis has affected our business

At Goodbody Botanicals, our customer wellbeing is always at the forefront of what we do.  We’ve been monitoring the development of the COVID-19 situation and have been closely following the advice of local government. Although we already ensure our production and testing facilities maintain the highest of hygiene standards, we have taken further steps beyond this […]

Case study picture Mike

Case Study: CBD oil helped me sleep

My name is Mike Gould, I’m 68 and I live with my dear wife near Grantham.  I would say I’m fairly active for my age and have had a varied career having served in the Royal Navy and the police force, followed by many years on the road as a Regional Sales Manager. As with […]

CBD gummies helped me sleep

Case Study: CBD helped me sleep

I’m Terrie and I live with my family and two dogs in Gloucester and taking CBD helped me sleep. Being a 46 year old woman, very much experiencing all that nature throws at us around this age (ie dry skin and some redness in areas, perimenopausal symptoms, waking up every morning at 4am, osteo arthritis […]

Woman sleeping

The benefit of a good night sleep

There is often confusion on where CBD comes from, whether it’s legal and would it cause any sort of ‘high’, yet alone make a difference for people who have trouble getting to sleep at the end of the day. Cannabidiol (CBD) is legal and the most dominant and medicinally potent of the over 120 cannabinoids […]

Digital image synapses

What are Cannabinoids?

What are Cannabinoids? …and how do they affect our body? When using CBD products, one should also be familiar with cannabinoids – the hemp extracts that make CBD a useful supplement. For a very long time these were thought to have little value to humans apart from as an intoxicant, but in recent decades interest […]

How much CBD should you take?

How much CBD should you take?

It’s hard to tell with CBD just how much will work for you, and we’re going to explore ways you can ease into finding what works best for you, as well as why CBD is so tricky to work out the amount you need.

scientist with equipment and solution

What is CBD?

CBD – It’s an relatively new product, but how can it benefit you? Most people haven’t even heard of it and yet it’s starting to appear in conversations around sports, food and beauty products.

young woman stretching wearing exercise kit

Top 5 Ways to keep your body in balance now it’s Autumn

We here at Goodbody Botanicals thought it would be good to put together our 5 ways to keep your balance the seasons change. So… look below to see the 5 ways we recommend keeping your body in balance…

Hemp plant image

A Basic Guide to All Things CBD

As the world of wellness continues to grow, consumers can be offered anything from yoga retreats to tea-toxes, celery juices to 90-minute therapy sessions with cows. With an estimated growth of £12.4 billion (Statista 2018) the wellness industry in the United Kingdom is set to take the high street by storm. But there is a […]

Woman sleeping in bed

Can CBD oil really help you to sleep better?

The importance of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated. We’re all trying to get our fix of solutions from pillow spray to audio books. So often, we stay up late exhausting ourselves in order to get a better night’s sleep — then wake up early feeling tired and dreary. Or we toss and turn […]

Person walking in field

Goodbye Blues – our guide for a happier January

Apparently, the January blues are real and actually classed as a medical condition. The most depressing day is purported to be the 20th January, so best you prepare yourself. At Goodbody Wellness we try and help our customers restore their mental and physical balance. We thought we’d share our favourite simple hacks that will help […]