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The benefits of CBD oil

“Benefits of CBD oil – I am now evangelical about it”

CBD – It’s a relatively new product, but how can it benefit you?

Most people haven’t even heard of it and yet it’s starting to appear in conversations around sports, food and beauty products. CBD is legal and many leading doctors, scientists and experts in their field are excited about the effects of CBD.

So, what is CBD? CBD (Cannabidiol) is a powerful plant extract that has been used for thousands of years. It is a Cannabinoid (which means it’s a natural ingredient found in the cannabis plant family) and a naturally occurring chemical and is present in the human body.

How does it work? It has an effect on virtually all body functions. The way CBD works is by interacting with a special subsystem of the nervous system, known as the ‘endocannabinoid system’. This is the part of our body which has interacted with cannabis products since we started using them as long ago as ten thousand years. CBD doesn’t contain the intoxicating THC element and therefore totally legal and can help wind your body down after physical activity or is you’re feeling strained or anxious.

“I am now evangelical about the benefit of CBD”

Read about John’s experience:

Restaurant owner John Bergl, 62 from Frome, Somerset has chronic osteoarthritis pain. He took eight to nine codeine tablets daily prior to trying CBD oil. “I was sceptical in trying CBD as I really thought it was snake oil. I could not see how it could be the miracle that people claimed. On a particular bad day when the pain made me cry each step of the stairway, I thought what have I got to lose?

I started taking Goodbody Botanicals Max 15% Peppermint CBD Oil drops. After 3 days I stopped taking Codeine and Tramadol which I had relied on for a few nights a week for unbroken sleep.

In the six months since I am not pain free, but my pain levels are down by 80% having only taken two lots of painkillers. I get to sleep a lot quicker too. Before taking CBD I was on the waiting list for a knee replacement – if I got to the top of the list tomorrow I wouldn’t rush into this as I haven’t suffered any side effects, whereas before it was essential.

All I can say is that CBD works for me!

I am now evangelical about the benefit of CBD and suggest anyone who is thinking about it should give Goodbody Botanicals CBD a try. I have recommended to two customers already – one suffering from pain and the other an ex nurse who suffers from fibromyalgia and hadn’t been able to leave the house for two years without heavy doses of morphine– both are now complete CBD converts like me”.

John uses the MAX (15% CBD) Product but some start with lower strengths (See below)

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