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Cooking with CBD Oil

cooking-with-cbd-oilOne of the easiest and tastiest ways to take CBD oil is simply to eat it.

Include it with your meals and ingest it naturally with a healthy meal. Although bear in mind that CBD will work better with some foods more than others, so in this article we have covered a few helpful points to help you get started cooking with CBD oil. 

Using CBD oil in cooking is a pretty simple premise – find a meal you enjoy, that has fat in it, and add a few drops of the oil. The reason we use fatty foods as a way to ingest CBD oil is that the main hemp compounds, or cannabinoids, are fat-soluble – meaning they will mix well with fat during the cooking phase.

In order to give you a jumping off point for getting into CBD cooking, we’ve assembled some basic ideas for how to use CBD infused oil in recipes. 


Making a salad with CBD is one of the easiest ways to ingest CBD oil – a simple salad dressing of oil, vinegar and/or lemon juice can carry those essential drops of infused oil. Add it in when you make up a vinaigrette in a jam jar, before shaking, and it should blend right in and can be mixed over fresh leaves. 


Salsa has a very similar basic principle to salad and dressing – tart citrus flavors, rich oils and fresh vegetables. Except this time they’re chopped and blended. Fortunately, a good homemade salsa with oil will carry CBD perfectly.

There’s an even better way to do it though – and that means using avocado. These are a very fatty fruit and are perfect for combining with CBD oils. Diced red onions, tomatoes, avocado, coriander, olive oil, lime, salt, and pepper make a perfect avocado salsa for CBD oil.

Smashed avocado on toast

Cut the avocado into two, taking care to remove the stone. Scoop out the avocado and add to a bowl. Smash the avocado with a fork. (This will mix up easier with a ripe avocado). Then for some flavour, squeeze over some fresh lime juice, add some fresh chopped chillies and finish with a few drops of your CBD oil. Mix one last time and serve on toast!

Pasta Sauces

All pasta sauces are fairly oily, from tomato based ones to the creamier carbonara, or cheese sauces. In any case, CBD oil can be mixed straight in during the cooking phase – although it will work best with the creamier sauces. Carbonara is a favourite, and the easiest way to get that hit of delicious bacony creamy pasta is to buy a ready made sauce and dump it over some freshly made tagliatelle. 

After heating your sauce turn off the heat and simply mix in your CBD oil drops and once the pasta is done pour the hot sauce out over it. A top tagliatelle tip is resist the urge to try and heat both the sauce and pasta in the same pan – even though it’ll take an extra pan, adding the ingredients together at the last minute ensures the pasta isn’t overcooked.


The principle remains the same with curry too – a fatty or oily sauce is an excellent vector for CBD – but it gets better. CBD is often mixed with coconut oil as well as extra virgin olive oils, as it’s a bit more flavoursome that way. Curry is also notoriously made with coconut oil as the base, so the two match up perfectly.

The best time to add the CBD oil is at the final stages of cooking the curry when the tomato is added. 


This one’s a little radical but honestly, it works really well! Adding CBD oil drops to your morning smoothie can really work well at getting you that early boost you need at breakfast time. Just drop in those drops when you’ve added a fatty element to it, such as yoghurt or milk. Add some fresh or frozen berries too add a fruity taste.

Take a look at our CBD oils if you fancy giving these recipes a go!

If you have any questions about cooking with CBD oil or in fact anything CBD related, then please do get in touch with us!

*Frequently asked question: Can you heat CBD oil?

You can heat CBD oil but it is not recommended that you fry the oil as it will take it above a temperature where it may vaporise.

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