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CBD Oil Saved UK Eczema Sufferer After All Else Had Failed

CBD Oil Saved UK Eczema Sufferer After All Else Had Failed

Our latest blog is focusing on a recent story to have surfaced in the UK relating to another eczema sufferer and how she claims to have overcome her severe skin condition with CBD hemp oil.

CBD is being reported to have a vast array of positive effects on conditions that traditional medical treatments just cannot alleviate, and it appears that eczema might me one of them!

We covered a story back in September 2018 where Cheryl Halliburton, a 27 year old mum started to experience issues with her skin when she became pregnant with her now 3 year old daughter, Alexis.

This time we are looking at another example, reported in Metro’s online news forum, Beth Cusack is a 29 year old who had suffered with eczema for the last four years. Her condition was so severe that her skin felt raw, causing her to scream out in pain at the slightest movement. It was so acute it even ended up with Beth having to leave her job.

Beth claimed she had tried everything from creams to medication, anything she was told would work to alleviate the pain she would try, but nothing worked.

Even normal everyday activities like going for a walk would leave her redraw and in extreme pain. The condition also made her skin scaly, leaving her feeling extremely self-conscious and she understandably didn’t want anyone seeing her like that. Her pain eventually led to her becoming housebound in order to limit the discomfort.

Beth then saw an advert for CBD and decided to give it a go. She started taking three spoonfuls of CBD oil 10% and CBD oil 20% a day. Before each meal she would take it and claims within a few days her eczema had cleared up and she was no longer in pain.

Beth was quoted as saying:

‘But then one day whilst I was on social media, I saw someone who was selling the oil and thought I should give it a go. ‘I’d previously been recommended the oil by a good friend, so thought it was worth a try. Once I received it, it took only two days for it to clear up and my skin was no longer in pain.

‘I now take three spoonfuls of it every day, before each meal, and my skin has been pretty much perfect ever since.

‘I really do have organic cbd massage oil to thank for giving me my life back – I would still be shut up in my house, losing friends and deteriorating my own mental health if it wasn’t for the oil.’

To read more about this story on Metro:

If you have an example of how CBD has changed your life we would love to hear about it.

To see our full range of CBD oil from 2% to 20% strengths,  purified or raw and in a variety of flavours – please click here.

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