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A Basic Guide to All Things CBD

As the world of wellness continues to grow, consumers can be offered anything from yoga retreats to tea-toxes, celery juices to 90-minute therapy sessions with cows. With an estimated growth of £12.4 billion (Statista 2018) the wellness industry in the United Kingdom is set to take the high street by storm. But there is a new wellness ‘trend’ in town- and it’s something we’re quite familiar with.

Introducing: cannabidiol, or, CBD, a non-psychoactive chemical compound found within hemp. As CBD infused products sweep across the world, the UK CBD market is ‘budding’.

So, what actually is it? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Despite the fact that mentions of CBD seem to be everywhere, people still know very little about what it is. A survey conducted by Mashable demonstrates that no matter how many times people stumble upon CBD-infused products or read the name in all sorts of headlines, they probably don’t know what it is.

This survey contacted over 2,000 people on January 2019 and showed that only 19 percent of respondents have tried CBD infused products. 61 percent of the subjects surveyed don’t even know what CBD means. A small cluster of people, 13 percent, have tried CBD products without knowing its effects.

CBD is short for cannabidiol, it is a critical phytocannabinoid found in hemp. There are over 100 cannabinoids — or, chemical compounds — in the cannabis plant, and you’re likely familiar with the most famous of them: THC the bit that gets you high. But unlike THC, CBD won’t get you high. Used in everything from snacks to moisturisers, according to the World Health Organisation products containing naturally occurring CBD (including oils, extracts, etc) is safe and well-tolerated in humans (and mammals) and is not associated with any negative public health effects.

But what can CBD actually do for you? A very good question. A little disclaimer, the effects of CBD are different for everyone and our CBD products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Neither should they be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. But what we can tell you is that all humans have a system named the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

Most of the discovery around the ECS emerged during the 1960s and 70s, as a result of the research exploring the effects of cannabis on the human body. This system found in our bodies comprises of receptors that interact exclusively with cannabinoids like that of CBD. Because endocannabinoids are present throughout numerous functions of the body, researchers suggest that they boost the maintenance of these functions.

If you imagine the body like a machine, each system works together to keep the machine moving. The immune system is like a filtration system, the brain is like the motherboard, and endocannabinoids help to maintain these systems.

Research reveals that when CBD bonds with the CB1 or CB2 receptors, it alters and/or improves the capabilities of that receptor, thereby improving the receptors functionality. Additionally, if the body suffers from cannabinoid deficiency, administering CBD can help equalize the deficiency. By bonding with our body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD not only helps to maintain vital health functions―it helps to restore the homeostasis, or balance, within the body.

Through the vast portfolio of products, we offer, we believe in providing quality natural CBD products. Our expert staff value mother nature, always taking your wellness seriously. Our products have been designed to our specification and manufactured to the very highest standards by the world’s finest manufacturers in order to support a healthy lifestyle.

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