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sleep issues

Sleep Issues and Anxiety: Study into the Potential Benefits of CBD

This study was looking at determining whether CBD helps improve sleep and/or anxiety in a clinical population. The sample initially consisted of 103 patients, however was reduced to 72 patients presenting primary concerns of anxiety (n=47) or poor sleep (n=25), where CBD was used as an adjunct to usual treatment. Nearly all patients were given CBD 25mg/d in capsule form. If anxiety complaints predominated, the dosing was every morning, after breakfast. If sleep complaints predominated, the dosing was every evening, after dinner. A handful of patients were given CBD 50 mg/d or 75 mg/d. One patient with a trauma history and schizoaffective disorder received a CBD dosage that was gradually increased to 175 mg/d.

Anxiety scores decreased within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained decreased during the study duration. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%). CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 patients. In this evaluation, CBD appears to be better tolerated than routine psychiatric medications, and there is reason to suggest that CBD can be beneficial for anxiety and sleep even at lower doses than those given in other studies.


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Goodbody has no association with the organisation that conducted this research and is not in a position to validate the research methods, results or conclusions of the published articleIt is provided for awareness of research available that may be of interest only. Any reader should read a range of articles and research to have a balanced and informed view.

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