CBD news articles and research from Goodbody.

young woman stretching wearing exercise kit

Top 5 Ways to keep your body in balance now it’s Autumn

We here at Goodbody Botanicals thought it would be good to put together our 5 ways to keep your balance the seasons change. So… look below to see the 5 ways we recommend keeping your body in balance…

woman asleep in bed while her alarm shows the tim

What times of the day are best to take CBD?

A frequent question we are often get asked and one we think needs to be clarified is, “What times of day are best to take CBD?”. So many people approach us over Facebook, e-mail and telephone to seek advice about this and we thought it would be good to have a simple explainer to this FAQ.

Hemp plant image

A Basic Guide to All Things CBD

As the world of wellness continues to grow, consumers can be offered anything from yoga retreats to tea-toxes, celery juices to 90-minute therapy sessions with cows. With an estimated growth of £12.4 billion (Statista 2018) the wellness industry in the United Kingdom is set to take the high street by storm. But there is a […]

Woman sleeping in bed

Can CBD oil really help you to sleep better?

The importance of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated. We’re all trying to get our fix of solutions from pillow spray to audio books. So often, we stay up late exhausting ourselves in order to get a better night’s sleep — then wake up early feeling tired and dreary. Or we toss and turn […]

Person walking in field

Goodbye Blues – our guide for a happier January

Apparently, the January blues are real and actually classed as a medical condition. The most depressing day is purported to be the 20th January, so best you prepare yourself. At Goodbody Wellness we try and help our customers restore their mental and physical balance. We thought we’d share our favourite simple hacks that will help […]

Using CBD in your every day life

Using CBD in your every day life

People often ask us here at George Botanicals, “How should I take CBD?” and we will just say whatever feels best for you. For some people, they will use the oil drops as a tincture, but others may prefer the regular feeling of swallowing a capsule. Our other customers enjoy adding their CBD to a hot drink or even baking with it so the options are endless.


Can you take CBD with you on Holiday?

A lot of people have asked us the guidelines around taking CBD on holiday – the countries you can take the oil to, and most importantly, the ones you can’t.

Using CBD In Your Coffee

Using CBD In Your Coffee

CBD can be used in such a variety of ways now so in this blog we are looking into using CBD in your coffee and why the two make such a good combination.
Coffee is of course one of the most common stimulants we use to get us through the day, but did you know that there are now ways to infuse your morning cup of coffee with CBD?


What are the Medical Benefits of CBD?

In this blog we would like to talk about the medical benefits of CBD and whether CBD is the miracle cure the UK and the world has been looking for all this time.
But, the first thing we need to clearly state is that we cannot answer that question. Due to regulations and a lack of medically certified and evidence based proof, by law we quite rightly cannot voice our opinions regarding the medical benefits of CBD in the UK.

5 Natural products with anti inflammatory properties

5 Natural products with anti inflammatory properties

Anti inflammatory is a bit of a health buzzword lately, so we’ve decided to compile some summer favourites in order to keep your body at its peak. It is safe to say, a large amount of the population rely on anti-inflammatory medicines day to day. But, there are alternative ways to fight inflammation by sourcing what is naturally available to us in food, in the form of antioxidants.


Cooking with CBD Oil

One of the easiest and tastiest ways to take CBD oil is simply to eat it. Include it with your meals and ingest it naturally with a healthy meal. Although bear in mind that CBD will work better with some foods more than others, so in this article we have covered a few helpful points to help you get started cooking with CBD oil.

Why Athletes may be choosing CBD

Why Athletes may be choosing CBD…

CBD products are catching on faster than ever recently – with most of the major news on adoption of the supplement coming from the world of sports. Sports personalities are getting behind CBD like never before, with endorsements coming in from across the sporting community.