David, 85 and Drusilla, 76, are married and live in Somerset.
Drusilla is very active but suffers with painful arthritis in both her hands and knees. As a result, her knuckles, especially on her right hand, are misshapen and painful.
According to Drusilla, “CBD oil drops help with both the pain and mobility. I am very active – I have a big house and clean my own home and I also paint and craft as hobbies so my mobility and dexterity are very important to me.
“The CBD drops mean I can get on with life and be doing the things I want to do without worrying about the arthritis holding me back. I take the 20% oil drops in the morning, and occasionally in the afternoon if I have a flare up where I feel I need a slightly higher dose to get back on track”.
Last year David had recently recovered from pneumonia and was starting to feel back to normal. He was at home after having relatives to visit and was walking up the stairs when he inadvertently stepped on a loose tie from his dressing gown and fell backwards down the stairs, hitting his back on the pillar at the bottom as he landed. He broke his ribs in two places in his back and was suffering excruciating pain as a result of the injuries which took six months to heal. The pain also affected his sleep making it difficult to get a restful night.
According to David, “I decided to try CBD for the pain as nothing else was giving me relief. I used the Goodbody Botanicals 20% oil drops to successfully manage the pain and find some relief, as well as helping me to sleep”.