The benefits of CBD oil

“Benefits of CBD oil – I am now evangelical about it”

CBD – It’s a relatively new product, but what are the benefits of CBD oil? Most people haven’t even heard of it and yet it’s starting to appear in conversations around sports, food and beauty products. CBD is legal and many leading doctors, scientists and experts in their field are excited about the effects of […]

Goodbody Botanicals how covid 19 crisis has affected our business

How The COVID-19 Crisis has affected our business

At Goodbody Botanicals, our customer wellbeing is always at the forefront of what we do.  We’ve been monitoring the development of the COVID-19 situation and have been closely following the advice of local government. Although we already ensure our production and testing facilities maintain the highest of hygiene standards, we have taken further steps beyond this […]

How much CBD should you take?

How much CBD should you take?

It’s hard to tell with CBD just how much will work for you, and we’re going to explore ways you can ease into finding what works best for you, as well as why CBD is so tricky to work out the amount you need.

scientist with equipment and solution

What is CBD?

CBD – It’s an relatively new product, but how can it benefit you? Most people haven’t even heard of it and yet it’s starting to appear in conversations around sports, food and beauty products.

young woman stretching wearing exercise kit

Top 5 Ways to keep your body in balance now it’s Autumn

We here at Goodbody Botanicals thought it would be good to put together our 5 ways to keep your balance the seasons change. So… look below to see the 5 ways we recommend keeping your body in balance…